Welcome to Oundle & District Dog Training Society
Oundle & District Dog Training Society is a non profit making, voluntary dog training society registered by the Kennel Club and based in Northants. We have been welcoming dog owners and their dogs to our classes since 1962.
We have welcomed several new members recently. We hope they enjoy their classes and we are able to help them build an enduring bond with their dogs. All the information you need can be found on this website. We also have a Facebook group (Oundle & District Dog Training Society). New members always welcome.
We are currently running two obedience classes every Wednesday evening at Halefield, Woodnewton. Puppy Foundation and an Intermediate class working towards Good Citizen Bronze and Silver. The latter class is split as required. There is also a popular Ringcraft class. We have vacancies for new puppies and for older dogs who have missed out on socialisation and training due to lockdowns. Come and join us! Find out more HERE
Membership is £10 per year and the class fee is £6. Anyone joining our Society from the end of October onwards will not need to renew until 2023. Our lovely venue is easily accessible and we have the use of the indoor arena and well mown grass. Training is outdoors in the summer unless the weather is too hot or wet when we will be inside the arena. The arena is used at all other times.
When the weather is warmer we will hold classes on the mowed paddock. Pease remember to keep your dogs on lead in our designated area and do not wander over the paddocks as this is a private working equestrian establishment.
There are occasional agility camps on the field during the spring/summer. These have nothing to do with our Society so please do not touch any of their equipment or stray into their designated area.
Please keep off the grass during the winter months as there are often sheep grazing enclosed by electric fencing.