Dogs are promoted to the Bronze class when they are ready so there is usually a mix of abilities, some having been in the class a while and others just having been promoted. The trainers ensure that each dog can do exercises to the level specific to them. The Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze Award is taken in this class but some of the exercises would also enable some dogs to compete in classes at Companion Dog Shows or Open Obedience Shows. A Kennel Club approved adjudicator judges the Bronze award. Successful candidates receive a rosette and certificate.
In the Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze Award emphasis is placed on the handler’s ability to handle, control and generally care for their dog in a domestic environment. Some exercises will be extensions of the Puppy Foundation Award.

The Exercises
- Cleanliness and Identification. As in the Puppy Foundation course.
- Collar and Lead. The handler learns how to put on and take off the collar and lead safely and the equipment needs to be suitable for the dog.
- Walk on Lead. The dog must be able to walk at least 30 paces on lead without distractions. Turns are required.
- Control at Door/Gate.The dog and handler need to pass through a gate with the dog on lead. This involves the dog waiting until the gate is opened and then being called through.
- Controlled Walk Amongst People and Dogs. Dog and handler need to be able to walk at least 30 paces with turns and the dog must remain quiet and still while the handler has a conversation. Handlers need to be in control of their dogs and the dog shouldnt pull forwards or back.
- Stay on a Lead for One Minute. The dog must stay in any position while the handler drops the lead and moves five paces away for at least one minute before returning to the dog. Extra commands during the stay are penalised.
- Grooming. The dog needs to be on a lead and the handler needs to be able to groom all parts of the dog without a struggle. Small dogs can be groomed on a table.
- Examination of the Dog. The handler needs to examine his own dog. Mouth, teeth, throat, eyes, ears, stomach, tail and feet are inspected with the dog on lead and in any position.
- Return to Handler. The handler needs to release the dog from his lead, play with the dog with or without a toy and distance themselves by at least 10 paces. The handler then calls the dog and replaces the lead.
- Responsibility and Care. Handlers are asked questions relating to Section 1 of the Responsibility and Care leaflet.
A dog only receives his Bronze Award Rosette and Certificate when he has passed all sections to the examiners satisfaction.

Progression to the next class
By the time the dog is ready to go up it should have achieved his Bronze Award, be able to stay for 1 minute in the sit and 2 minutes in the down, perform good heelwork involving turns and walking around obstacles, be making progress with holding and retrieving items, be attempting off lead recalls and be able to finish to heel after a recall. The dog and handler progress to the next class when the trainer consider them to be ready.